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Price Options
4hrs (1hr/week)
$220.00every month until canceled
8 hrs (1hr*2/week)
$440.00every month until canceled
4 hrs(1hr/week)
$110.00every month until canceled
8 hrs(1hr*2/week)
$220.00every month until canceled

Webtoon class with Tipanny, the author of “Perfect Desire”

The author with 43,000 subscribers will turn your dream into reality!


The students will need to prepare tablet PC and software in prior to the class. Please contact our class manager before the registration.



"Perfect desire"의 작가 Tipanny와 함께 하는 웹툰교실
구독자 4만3천명의 작가가 알려주는 웹툰교실에서 꿈을 현실로 바꿔보세요!


해당 수업은 수강생 준비물(수업 시 활용 가능한 전자 기기, 소프트웨어 등)이 필요합니다.

등록 전 반드시 고객센터 문의 부탁드립니다.



与"Perfect desire"作家Tipanny一起进行的网络漫画教室



  • Note

    This subscription is valid for 4 weeks. A separate class reservation is required after the payment.

  • Supported languages

    English, Korean

  • Refund and cancellation policy

    There is a $25.00 non-refundable processing fee for all students, which will be deducted from any fees refunded for withdrawals. Please refer to our refund policy.

  • Shipping info

    This is an online subscription provided by eTutor On the GO. A reservation ticket will be issued upon the checking by our class manager (No delivery).

  • Class for


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