Journal Writing
The basic impetus for improving writing skills is persistence.
Writing a diary is the easiest way to develop a steady writing habit.
How was your day?
Even if it seems like an ordinary day, there will be a small speciality hidden.
Let's finish a day by writing a diary about precious memories!
If writing a diary feels like homework, we recommend this class more.
Just record your day in three lines which only take fifteen minutes.
You will be looking forward to talking with friends about your day.
The power of three magical lines!
You can make a better tomorrow with eTutor On the GO!
글쓰기 능력을 향상시키는 기본 원동력은 꾸준함입니다.
일기 쓰기는 꾸준한 글쓰기 습관을 길러주는 제일 쉬운 방법이죠.
오늘은 어떤 하루였나요?
평범한 하루인 것 같아도 작은 특별함이 숨어있을 거예요.
소중한 기억을 일기로 기록하며 하루를 마무리해보아요!
일기가 숙제같이 느껴진다면 더더욱 이 수업을 추천드려요.
딱 15분. 3줄로만 간단하게 기록하면 된답니다.
친구들과 오늘 하루에 대해 이야기 나누는 시간이 기다려질 거예요.
마법 같은 3줄의 힘!
eTutor On the GO와 함께 더 나은 내일을 기약하세요!
与eTutor On the GO一起约定更美好的明天吧!
This subscription is valid for 4 weeks. A separate class reservation is required after the payment.
Supported languages
English, Korean
Refund and cancellation policy
There is a $25.00 non-refundable processing fee for all students, which will be deducted from any fees refunded for withdrawals. Please refer to our refund policy.
Shipping info
This is an online subscription provided by eTutor On the GO. A reservation ticket will be issued upon the checking by our class manager (No delivery).
Class for
English curriculum (Elemetary - Secondary School level)