Are you preparing for the Eliter course?
We offer everything to succeed as a Golfer.
Field lessons are available throughout the year with outstanding coaches in mild weather.
A place where you can set the basics for studying, homestay, entering American and Canadian universities and entering the professional league!
Start and complete with eTutor On The Go.
Elite Golf Student Course
- Admission consultation with outstanding coaches
- Diet with experts
- Optimal training system for professional league entry
Eliter course를 준비하고 계신가요?
Golfer로 성공하기 위한 모든 것을 제공합니다
온화한 날씨 속에서 뛰어난 코치진과 함께 연중 상시 필드 교습이 가능합니다.
학업과 홈스테이, 미국· 캐나다 대학 진학과 프로리그 입성을 위한 기본을 다질 수 있는 곳!
eTutor On The Go에서 시작하고 완성하세요.
Elite Golf Student Course
- 뛰어난 코치진과 진학상담
- 전문가가 함께하는 식단 조절
- 프로 리그 입성을 위한 최적의 교육 시스템
在准备Eliter course吗?
请从 eTutor On The Go 开始并完成吧。
Elite Golf Student Course
- 与出色的教练组进行入学咨询
- 与专家一起调节的食谱
- 进入职业联赛的最佳教育系统
This subscription is valid for 4 weeks. A separate class reservation is required after the payment.
Supported languages
English, Korean
Refund and cancellation policy
There is a $25.00 non-refundable processing fee for all students, which will be deducted from any fees refunded for withdrawals. Please refer to our refund policy.
Shipping info
This is an online subscription provided by eTutor On the GO. A reservation ticket will be issued upon the checking by our class manager (No delivery).
Class for