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College Admission Counseling Class

College Admission Counseling Class


***Upcoming Service***

With a great experienced college admission counselor you will be a fruitful time to prepare your college admission.

Save your time and prepare a smart strategy to maximize your odds.


The class includes;

1. Preparation before studying abroad

2. Class management

3. College admission, G12 concerns Q&A4.Freshman in college preparation



***오픈 예정 서비스입니다.***

캐나다 대학 입시관련 오랜 경험 있는 선생님과 함께 

대학 별 입시전형 파악과 이에 대한 대비책을 마련하는 시간을 가집니다.


실패를 줄이고 성공률을 높이는 스마트한 전략! 이제는 필수시대 입니다.



  1. 유학 전 준비
  2. Secondary 학과목 Management
  3. 대학 입시, G12 관심사항 해결
  4. Freshman 대학교 1학년 과정, 적응 및 대비과정







减少失败,提高成功率的智慧战略! 现在是必要时代。



  1. 留学前准备
  2. Secondary 课目 Management
  3. 大学入学考试,G12关注的事项解决
  4. Freshman大学一年级课程,适应及应对课程
  • Note

    This subscription is for 1-time/service. A separate service reservation is required after the payment.

  • Supported languages

    English, Korean

  • Refund and cancellation policy

    There is a $25.00 non-refundable processing fee for all students, which will be deducted from any fees refunded for withdrawals. Please refer to our refund policy.

  • Shipping info

    This is an online subscription provided by eTutor On the GO. A reservation ticket will be issued upon the checking by our class manager (No delivery).

  • Class for


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