College Admission Counseling Class
***Upcoming Service***
With a great experienced college admission counselor you will be a fruitful time to prepare your college admission.
Save your time and prepare a smart strategy to maximize your odds.
The class includes;
1. Preparation before studying abroad
2. Class management
3. College admission, G12 concerns Q&A4.Freshman in college preparation
***오픈 예정 서비스입니다.***
캐나다 대학 입시관련 오랜 경험 있는 선생님과 함께
대학 별 입시전형 파악과 이에 대한 대비책을 마련하는 시간을 가집니다.
실패를 줄이고 성공률을 높이는 스마트한 전략! 이제는 필수시대 입니다.
- 유학 전 준비
- Secondary 학과목 Management
- 대학 입시, G12 관심사항 해결
- Freshman 대학교 1학년 과정, 적응 및 대비과정
减少失败,提高成功率的智慧战略! 现在是必要时代。
- 留学前准备
- Secondary 课目 Management
- 大学入学考试,G12关注的事项解决
- Freshman大学一年级课程,适应及应对课程
This subscription is for 1-time/service. A separate service reservation is required after the payment.
Supported languages
English, Korean
Refund and cancellation policy
There is a $25.00 non-refundable processing fee for all students, which will be deducted from any fees refunded for withdrawals. Please refer to our refund policy.
Shipping info
This is an online subscription provided by eTutor On the GO. A reservation ticket will be issued upon the checking by our class manager (No delivery).
Class for