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English Writing

English Writing

Price Options
4 hrs (1hr/week)
$140.00every month until canceled
8 hrs (1hr*2/week)
$280.00every month until canceled

English Writing Class for Elementary to Secondary School Levels.


This is an English writing class designed for students from elementary to secondary school levels.

Every week, a new writing topic will be introduced, and students will engage in collaborative proofreading during the class.

The primary aim of this class is to help students build strong writing structures and improve their writing flow.



영어권 초등-고등학교 과정의  Writing 수업입니다.


매주 새로운 Writing topic 을 정해주고, 수업시간에 학생과 함께 첨삭합니다.

글의 structure과 flow를 잡아주는 수업입니다.




每周制定新的Writing topic,上课时间与学生一起修改作文。

  • Note

    This subscription is valid for 4 weeks. A separate class reservation is required after the payment.

  • Supported languages

    English, Korean

  • Refund and cancellation policy

    Upon registration, all students are subject to a non-refundable processing fee of $25.00. This processing fee will be deducted from any fees refunded in the case of a withdrawal. Please refer to our refund policy.

  • Shipping info

    This is an online subscription service offered by eTutor On the GO. Upon the verification by our class manager, you will receive a reservation ticket via email. Please note that there is no physical delivery involved in this process.

  • Class for

    English curriculum (Elemetary - Secondary School level)

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