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[추천 영상]Consent for Kids

“It’s not about getting the answer you want, but listening to the one you get.” That’s what this new animated video produced by Aardman on behalf of Gloucestershire’s Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, hopes to teach Gloucestershire’s young people, as part of a commitment to tackle Violence and Intimidation against Women and Girls (VIAWG) in the county.

This 90-second video called ‘Consent’ is aimed at children aged between 9 and 13, and will be used as a teaching resource in primary and secondary schools across Gloucestershire to help young people understand consent and boundaries

Bristol-based Oscar and BAFTA award-winning animation studio, Aardman has been commissioned by Gloucestershire’s Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to create a new animated film which will help tackle Violence and Intimidation Against Women and Girls (VIAWG) by helping children to understand what consent means, using accessible everyday examples The campaign concept came from Gloucestershire’s Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, as part of its commitment to tackle VIAWG and has been funded by money from the Home Office’s Safer Streets Fund

The Bristol-based animators said: “Aardman is keen to support projects that help young people in the South West and in working with the Glos OPCC, we have utilised our storytelling expertise to engage young people and build awareness around the topic of consent.”

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